Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why do we do what we do?

Before you eat dinner, do you pray?
Do your children say there prayers before going to bed?
What time is church service on Sunday? How long is too long for a sermon?

In this teaching, Jesus is being questioned about the behavior of his disciples in areas where there have been clear rules of conduct. But Jesus turns the table on them asking them rather about the things that they, the accusers, were not doing.

Showing His greatest power, knowing the heart of man, Jesus goes to the heart of the matter by first dismissing the complaint that dirty hands some how made the spirit unclean. He then points out that there are plenty of things that these accusers have elected NOT to do even while knowing they are commandments from God.

Mark 7:9 - "All too well you reject the command of God, that you may keep your traditions"

So, why do you do the things you do? Are your reasons founded in tradition or upon the place they have in God's plan? Don't misunderstand my intentions here; I have traditions of my own that I keep, but because of the Life and Ministry and Work of Jesus, I am continuously looking for those things that will bring me closer God while seeking to remove those things from me that impede that same relationship.

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