Your name came up.
That was the title of the message given by Elder Spence in my church on Sunday. He was speaking from the book of Job where satan and God were conversing and Job's name just happen to come up. From that point, Job was to be forever enshrined in the hearts and minds of God's people as representing endurance in the time of trouble.
There is a powerful message being presented here; the notion that one that was doing so good, could still have bad things happen to them. Another view however, is to see how envious the adversary was over the protection that God had over Job. His words to God seemed to indicate that he had already tried to come at Job but because of the protection of God his attempts to disrupt Job's life were unsuccessful.
We are "troubled on every side" but protected from destruction by the hand of God. Our good works attract more that just the approval of our Heavenly Father, as they also bring us to the attention of those that seek to do us harm. Like an insect that is called to the light in the middle of the darkness so to are the enemies of God's people attracted by the successes of them that worship God in spirit and in truth. It is because of that worship that the Lord watches over us and keeps the enemy at bay.
Great is they faithfulness, oh Lord!
So I have a question...Was Job's faith the source of the story, or was it God's love? To clarify, i want to know which one came first. Was God's Love the reason for the faith and worship that he gave to the Lord, or was it the other way around? Let me know what you think.
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