Tuesday, May 29, 2012

3 Steps of Highly Blessed People - Intro part 2

If we define blessed as
  • divinely or supremely favored; fortunate
 then we can easily begin to identify people to which this applies. The young King David, Daniel, Paul, the apostles, and many others. Perhaps there are people in your life that you could identify as being blessed because they fit this definition. They seem to fall into blessings that it takes you time and effort to attain. They don't have to look for God to do in their life, He just does. Many times we ask ourselves, "Lord, why not me? How can I get into that kind of favor with you?" Its a fair question, and one that you can ask without violating the commandment of coveting. The secret to their blessed life, is the part of their life that you may not see as much of, but it is certainly there. And you must understand that the favor they receive now, did not come without proving that God is in control of their lives.

Before we get into what it takes to be a highly blessed individual, lets do something else with that definition that I gave you earlier. If we can use it to define blessed people, guess what else we can do with it? That's right, use it to determine who is NOT so blessed. Why is this important? You are trying to provide direction about becoming something that you may not be right now and although you may know what it is you are aiming for, you may not be clear on the path. If you can identify that you are headed in the wrong direction, it will make it easier for you to right yourself and your situation. And becoming a highly blessed person doesn't mean that you can not loose your way at some point and time. Take King David for example, a man after God's own heart and a warrior for God all his life. Overcome with infatuation and lust, he begins a deathly decent into the abyss of selfishness that causes him to become out of step with God and consequently out of the favor of God. This series of events shows us that even at the height of our existence with God, we must still dedicate ourselves to the relationship of God that has brought us to this point.

So knowing that you are headed in the right direction sometimes is knowing that you are not going in the wrong direction. Finding yourself out of favor with God will cause you to stop, take inventory of where you are, and make the needed corrections to what and why you are doing. It is here that we earn and use the greatest favor that God can provide. Favor can present itself in many forms, but one of it most common forms is forgiveness. He has forgiven you, so you have a chance to improve, a chance to change, a chance to do better.

So whats next? Step 1, prayer.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

3 Steps of Highly Blessed People - Intro

Pray, Read your Bible, Go to church

This is a blog, that I hope to make into a book because the world is never tired of simple steps to improvement. But because it is a blog I won't be able to go into as much depth as I would like. I would like to know what you think the potential success of such a book might be. If I would be writing something that you would find useful, or if it would just be a part of my one personal library. I have been teaching these three things to my church for over 10 years and what I can tell you is that blessed people have at least these three things going for them, and those that are not so blessed are missing at least one.

Let's just see how far we can go...

Looking over the lives and lifestyles of Highly Blessed people it is not hard to see some similarities in the actions and choices of people that could be universally called blessed.

First, define blessed.
  1. consecrated; sacred; holy;sanctified
  2. worthy of adoration, reverence, or worship
  3. divinely or supremely favored; fortunate
  4. blissfully happy or contented
 The first two we will leave for God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, since we don't want to go into the worshiping of man or defining anyone as sacred. But the second two should suffice for our purposes just fine. Over the next couple posts, we will work through these definitions and how they support the principles I wish to build upon.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why do we do what we do?

Before you eat dinner, do you pray?
Do your children say there prayers before going to bed?
What time is church service on Sunday? How long is too long for a sermon?

In this teaching, Jesus is being questioned about the behavior of his disciples in areas where there have been clear rules of conduct. But Jesus turns the table on them asking them rather about the things that they, the accusers, were not doing.

Showing His greatest power, knowing the heart of man, Jesus goes to the heart of the matter by first dismissing the complaint that dirty hands some how made the spirit unclean. He then points out that there are plenty of things that these accusers have elected NOT to do even while knowing they are commandments from God.

Mark 7:9 - "All too well you reject the command of God, that you may keep your traditions"

So, why do you do the things you do? Are your reasons founded in tradition or upon the place they have in God's plan? Don't misunderstand my intentions here; I have traditions of my own that I keep, but because of the Life and Ministry and Work of Jesus, I am continuously looking for those things that will bring me closer God while seeking to remove those things from me that impede that same relationship.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Choice of the challenge

In the ever changing lives that we lead, one could think that we are as accustomed to change as we are with rising of the sun. Everyday new challenges present themselves and we find ways to deal with them all and make it safely back home.... right?

In reality, making it home maybe the only thing we were able to handle with any confidence and having to face the various challenges of life does not automatically mean that we do that with lots of success. Family, work, church, school, and so on can all present in themselves unique circumstances that require social, political, and mental moves akin to a gymnast. Any one of these areas could require all of our attention, but of course we would not be who we are if we didn't try to overload our plate at the buffet table of life. So the challenges are multiplied and the situations and circumstances of one part of life become blended with the next. This hodgepodge of "stuff" soon becomes "to big to fail" as we become saddled with our own version of King Sysaphis' rock.

Our special word for this problem is, inevitable.

If you are a part of this society long enough, you will eventually fall into line with the expectations and the requirements form the yoke of this world. And if you are unaware of its weight, you could be crushed by a burden that is, fall all purposes, self-made.

An understanding that I would like for you to take from this blog... BE READY. Change comes comes to us all, but it is the few that can navigate the changes that are able to use the challenges as propellent to fuel their ambitions and provide the opportunities sought for growth to occur.

An example I like to keep in mind is about the Hebrew people wandering in the desert. Early on in the journey, they came to the edge of the promise land and sent out spies so that they could see what they were up against. The spies came back and they all said the same thing, except for two, that the land was two dangerous and they were not going to be able to take the enemies. These spies can represent for us the doubters in our lives. Those that doubt that you will be able to accomplish the goals you have. Sometimes the doubter is us, but you have to be willing to accept the truth about the work that needs to be done and what you are going to need to do to get there.

The Hebrew people choose to not go because of the challenges (giants and false gods); that fateful choice, they spent an entire generation preparing only to come back and be asked the same question. How many times have you dealt with a particular issue, got it wrong, and had to deal with that same issue all over again?